


Hi. I just installed SPM5b on a MAC running OSX 10.3, MATLAB 7 and I get the
following errors upon initialization.  If I type spm at the prompt it will
bring up the selection screen, but any selection gives this error and I get
the same error if I type spm fmri at the prompt.  Any advice would be
greatly appreciated Išve unzipped SPM from the UNIX prompt. I get all the
folders (n=15) and have private folder in the appropriate @--- folders. I
have also tried running matlab without the java vm, but no luck.
 ___  ____  __  __ 
/ __)(  _ \(  \/  )
\__ \ )___/ )    (   Statistical Parametric Mapping
(___/(__)  (_/\/\_)  SPM5 -

Initialising SPM..??? Error using ==> spm_list_files
spm_list_files.c not compiled - see

Error in ==> spm at 1432
        [null,tmp] = spm_list_files(Tdir,'-');

Error in ==> spm at 1029
xTB = spm('TBs');

Error in ==> spm at 462
Fmenu  = spm('CreateMenuWin','off');                            fprintf('.')

Steven M. Platek, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Drexel University
3141 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 895-6105
Fax: (215) 895-4930
Email: [log in to unmask]

On 5/15/05 3:26 AM, "Cyril Pernet" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear kamran kazemi,
>> Dear SPMers
>> How i can instal SPM5b correctly?
> You 'just' have to unzip spm5b into a folder and set the path in matlab (as
> usually). But be careful, by default zip softwares will install spm5 without
> the sub and subsub folders.. (thank you to John Ashburner who helps me for
> this stupid thing  ;-) ).
> Within the SPM5b folder, you must have15 subfolders and a (sub)subfolder
> 'private' in the following subfolders: @file_array, @nifti, @slover, @xmltree
> Best,
> Cyril