

Dear Fatima:

At 03:09 PM 5/2/2005, FATIMA HUSAIN wrote:

>I have a block design with two tasks (Task1 and Task2), and rest as baseline
>(implicitly modeled).
>In the past I have done PPI of Task1 - Task2, with the task vector being 
>(1 -1)
>Now I want to do a PPI of Task1-Rest.
>Should I multiply with the contrast (1 0) for (Task1 Task2) resulting in 
>Task1 - Rest? Would SPM group Task2 with Rest or take it out completely?

I don't think this would work for the reason you mention below. You're not 
calculating Task1 - Rest but Task1 implicitly versus Rest+Task2, since you 
would be setting the Task1 weight to 1 and the weight for Task2 to 0 (rest 
is implicitly 0).

>Or do I need to go back and model Rest as Task3 and use the contrasts (1 0 
>-1 )for (Task1 Task2 Task3/Rest) ?

Yes if you want to directly compare Task1 - Rest.


>Thanks in advance,
>Fatima T. Husain, Ph.D.
>Bldg. 10/ Room 6C-420
>Phone: 301-594-7758

Darren R. Gitelman, M.D.
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer¹s Disease Center
Northwestern Univ., 320 E. Superior St., Searle 11-470, Chicago, IL 60611
Voice:   (312) 908-9023     Fax:  (312) 908-8789