

hi-i think the difference in individual data might lie in the low-pass fiter used for spm99 and spm2, while the difference in group data might lie in the statically model.

The following paper might give you more hints.

Bianciardi M, Cerasa A, Patria F, Hagberg GE. Evaluation of mixed effects in event-related fMRI studies: impact of first-level design and filtering. Neuroimage. 2004 Jul;22(3):1351-70.  


======= 2005-06-15 21:35:44 =======

>hello, I processed same data using spm2 and spm99, but found large 
>difference between the 
>results of spm2 and spm99.
>There was little difference when we compared the individual results on 
>difference condition
>of spm2 with spm99, but the difference became significant large while we 
>compared the group 
>results of spm2 with spm99.we did not find manipulation error.
>thank you very much!
>institute of cognitive neural science and learning
>Beijing normal university
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Gui Xue, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology,
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