

Dear SPMers,

I use SPM5b on a Windows PC with Matlab 7.0 (R14).

After having started SPM5b, I tried to change the working directory. I could choose the new working directory but the change was not implemented. Instead, I got the following error message which refers to line 1594 (evalin('base',CBs{v-1}). 
Once this error message appears, everything else is blocked, too, including later commands not related to changing the working directory (see subsequent error messages below). The problem continues after restarting SPM5b and/or the PC.

I'd be grateful for any help,
many thanks


SPM5: CD                                           11:50:57 - 22/08/2005
??? Undefined command/function 'spm'.

Error in ==> spm at 1594

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

??? Undefined command/function 'spm'.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

??? Undefined command/function 'spm_jobman'.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

??? Undefined command/function 'spm_spm_ui'.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.