Dear SPMers:
    I used to use spm99, and always use the dicom_storage program to download all the dicom files from our MR scanner(GE 1.5T twin speed+excite). The dicom_storage program was got from GE company. But the dicom files got through the dicom_storage program couldn't be recognized by  spm5.
    Today, I record a data disk through the GE workstation. Thus all the dicom files  in the disc could be recognized by spm5. And then I could import dicom files , realign and normalize the data in spm5.
    So I think maybe the dicom files got through dicom_storage hadn't contain all the dicom information. That is to say, the dicom import function of spm5 could only recognize the dicom file with full dicom information. Is that right?
    Although I could preprocess the data with the steps of realign and normalize, I couldn't find the spm.mat when I clicked the result menu after! the step of the 1st specify and estimate. The result files, including the con*.img, beta*.img and spm.mat et al, actually could be found in windows explorer. Why?
Zhi Wang

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