


For your information, we have seen crashes of SPM2 after upgrading from
Matlab 7.0.1 (14SP1) to Matlab 7.0.4 (R14SP2). These crashes happen only
for some of our data:

SPM2: spm_spm (v2.66)                              12:09:43 - 07/04/2005
Initialising parameters                 :
...computing??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> spdiags at 114
          a((len(k)+1):len(k+1),:) = [i i+d(k) B(i+(m>=n)*d(k),k)];

Error in ==> spm_spm at 420
                 s     = spdiags(1./sqrt(diag(s)),0,nScan,nScan);

Error in ==> spm_spm at 827
                 SPM = spm_spm(SPM);

Error in ==> batch_spm2 at 18

Before the crash other suspicious warning messages are printed:

"Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled.
          Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN."

With help from Mathworks support we disabled JIT optimizations as
desribed here:
and the crashes disappeared. What I still can't explain is why we can
reproduce the problem in R14SP2 only, the bug is supposed to be present
in all R14 versions.

Therefore I would suggest adding something like this to SPM2:
        if ~isempty(findstr('R14',version))

Dimitri Papadopoulos