

Dear Eli,

I don't know what's happening here, but here's a few things to try/check:

1. Did your model finish the estimation process OK ?
2. What was the contrast you specified (maybe it was invalid) - if you have
a single condition just try placing a '1' in the contrast for that column
of the design matrix and zero for elsewhere - or if you have two conditions
try looking at the differential effect.
3. What was the error message printed out in the matlab command window ?
4. Have you tried to analyse any of the examplar data sets (with explicit
step-by-step instructions) available on the SPM web site ?



Eli Packer wrote:

> Dear SPM'ers,
> Recenbtly I started working with spm2 as I understood that it might solve
> the problem I posted in the past (titled 'FMRI data extraction'). However,
> I have difficulties with extracting contrasts as I explain beloww.
> In SPM contrast manage I defined a new contrast (with t-contrast) and then
> pressed submit + OK. Now the new contrast was allready choosen and I
> pressed Done as was ordered ('Select 1 contrast, press "Done" when
> finished'). However, nothing visually happened (actually by debugging I
> noticed that a code at spm_conman was performed) and SPM stopped. Needless
> to say, the intention was to go on and extracting data. I must add that it
> was the last part of a process in which I performed the following:
> 1) Pressing results at main window.
> 2) Selecting SPM.mat at Select SPM.mat window + done
> 3) Defining a new contrast as explained above.
> When using spm99, the process continued with 'SPM99 (EC LAB): Stats:
> Results' window that popped up asking me whether to 'mask with other
> conrast(s).
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot,
> Eli Packer
> Stony Brook University

William D. Penny
Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience
University College London
12 Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG

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