

I am new to creating and overlaying masks and am wondering the following... Is
there a function in SPM99 that allows you to overlay masks by adding them
together so that specific areas of activation where varying numbers of subjects
overlap are represented by different colors? For example, the mask would
indicate activation from one subject in an area that is represented in blue
(value of 1), overlapping areas of activations between that subject and another
subject, totaling to two subjects, is represented in red (value of 2),
overlapping areas of activations between those two subjects and a third,
totaling to three subjects, is represented in yellow (value of 3), etc. I
created ROI masks in marsbar but can not find an equation that outputs a mask
that indicates where activations, across any given number of subjects, overlap
and do not overlap within the region of interest. Any advice or guidance would
be greatly appreciated.
Siobhan Hoscheidt