

Hello All

I am taking my first steps in SPM trying almost everything on a "dummy" 
dataset. Throughout my tests there have been some questions flying 
around in my head. Here is the set of questions for which i still do not 
have an answer and would appreciate any help:

1. I am trying to perform some basic spatial preprocessing on an fMRI 
dataset which is composed of 128 volumes. That is...128 sets of 16 
slices of dimensions 64x64 (all in pixels). I select "Realign and 
unwarp" and end up with a set of .mat and .hdr+.img files which contain 
the transformation matrices and realigned images respectively. I then 
select "Normalise", select the template file and after that i select the 
files prefixed with u, which are the realigned ones. At this point i get 
a bit confused:
To my understanding there are 128 volumes, which means that i have to 
perform the same step ("normalisation") in all the 128 files. Is that 
What should be the entry in "files to write?" i have tried to key in a 
specific filename and yet i do not get back any file prefixed with an n 
(as the documentation says). What am i doing wrong?

2. On the same subject of normalisation there are some questions i have 
about the templates.
To my understanding the template must match the acquisition protocol. So 
what are the differences between the templates listed in the 'templates' 
directory of SPM? What are the corresponding acquisition protocols for 
each template?

Looking forward to hearing from you
Athanasios Anastasiou