

> One more question regarding the model setup: in SPM99 I defined the 6
> runs of my experiment as one session so that the onsets of run 2 didn't
> start at 0 but after the onsets of run1.

I would not advise doing this. If the scanner stopped and restarted between
runs, yet you modelled your conditions as a single session, then your data
no longer represent a continuous timeseries, and several aspects of SPM
will be disrupted, eg highpass filtering, temporal autocorrelation estimation,
grand-mean scaling, session-meaning.

> In SPM2 this doesn't really work: I either get error messages or  a
> rather strange looking design matrix. When setting up a FIR model is
> there any reason not too model each run as a separate session?

There is no reason not to - model each run as a separate session.


>>> I've been trying to obtain the time course of activation. First of
>>> all I'm
>>> not sure, if the length of my time bins should equal the TR (3 sec)
>>> or if it
>>> would be wiser to choose shorter bins of, lets say, 2 sec? Time bins
>>> should
>>> cover the period from 5 time points before to 5 time points after the
>>> onset
>>> of the condition so that the whole time course should cover 30sec.
>>> Since SPM 2 no longer offers the distinction beween "event related" and
>>> "epoch related" designs I'm not quite sure how to specify the design
>>> if I do
>>> not want to convolve my data with the canonical HRF. Which basis set
>>> should
>>> I choose for the model setup? FIR model? If so what about the window
>>> length
>>> (30?), order (10?) and duration (0?)?
>> Yes, yes, yes! (if you want a bin size of 3s).
>> The first FIR bin will start with the event onset, so if you want to
>> start
>> 5 timepoints before the "true" event, then subtract 15s (5 TRs) from your
>> onset vectors (but note that SPM2 will not handle negative onsets less
>> than -2 TRs, so you may have problems for the first event).
>> There is no point having FIR bin sizes less than your TR unless you have
>> achieved a higher effective sampling rate by jittering your event
>> onsets with respect to the scan onsets, either randomly or by ensuring
>> that your
>> SOA is not a simple multiple of your TR. (So if you locked your event
>> onsets to scan onsets, then there's no point having a bin size less
>> than 3s
>> in your case).
>> HTH
>> Rik