

Dear batch and Matlab experts

I set up a batch analysis for a multi-session (4) event-related fMRI study
with variable onsets and duration (with 6 condition). The batch runs just
fine as long as I only specific one session (for testing purposes).
However, as soon as I specify all 4 sessions I keep getting the following
error (see below).

It has nothing to do with the image file selection since for debugging 
reasons I was selecting them via the UI.

Any ideas what this might be related to? I attached the relevant batch-file
but I don't think it's my fault (well, we never know anyway ...)

I hope somebody can help since the last two days of my life have been 
spent on this (I am still young, though)

Thx in advance

	SPM2: spm_fMRI_design (v2.34)              11:34:11 - 04/09/2005
	Saving fMRI design              :
SPM2: spm_fmri_spm_ui (v2.52)                      11:34:31 - 04/09/2005
Mapping files                           :                        ...done
Calculating globals                     :                        ...done
Saving SPM configuration                :               ...SPM.mat saved
Design reporting                        : 
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> c:\programme\spm2\spm_DesMtx.m
On line 646  ==> 		for i=1:t, nX(:,tmp+i) = rX(:,i)/max(abs(rX(:,i))); end

Error in ==> c:\programme\spm2\spm_DesRep.m
On line 626  ==> 	hDesMtxIm = image((spm_DesMtx('sca',varargin{2}.X,    
Xnames) + 1)*32);

Error in ==> c:\programme\spm2\spm_fmri_spm_ui.m
On line 451  ==> spm_DesRep('DesMtx',SPM.xX,fname,SPM.xsDes)

Error in ==> c:\empathynew\mfiles\empathy05_statistics_alpha6c.m
On line 168  ==>   SPM = spm_fmri_spm_ui(SPM);