

Jim Lee wrote:

>SPM Sleuths,
>        In my version of SPM2 non-normalized functional results are offset when
>they are overlaid on the glass brain (see modestly-sized attachment of
>right finger tapping data). The coronal image looks fine, but the others
>are off by about half the field-of-view. When I normalize the data
>everything looks fine.

You results are NOT normalized, and the glass brain is.

The only way to view such results (that I know of) would be to overlay
them on subjects own non-normalized structural image.

Andrew V. Poliakov, Ph.D.
Structural Informatics Group,
Department of Biological Structure,
University of Washington,  Box 357420,
Seattle, WA  98195
Voice:  (206) 685 2154,
Fax     (206) 543 1524,
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