

Dear all,

A couple of related questions concerning the modeling/control for reaction
time differences between conditions in an event-related design. If I want to
include RT as a covariate to control for common RT effects across 4
conditions (rather than use condition-specific parametric modulations), but
not turn my analysis into a parametric analysis (such as in Will Penny's
, could I do the following:

a)     create a model where I only have one even-type (all events), and
employ RTs as a parametric modulation of that regressor; then extract the RT
regressor from the design matrix and enter it as a user-specified regressor
in my original model?

b)     How about directly modeling each event as having the duration of its
associated RT (i.e. event durations would vary between ca. 500-1000ms,
rather than being modeled as stick functions)? Is there a strong a priori
reason not to analyze data in this way? And finally, would these 2 analyses
possibly produce the same results?

Many thanks,


Tobias Egner, PhD

fMRI Research Center

Columbia University

Neurological Institute, Box 108

710 West 168th Street

New York, NY 10032

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