

Hi John:

Can you tell me is this a valid fMRI design to use SPM:

only two conditions:  1) 5  min baseline-resting and 2) continuous 10 min
long stimulation

The first 5 min is rest and followed by a continuous 10 min long of the same
stimulation. I want to compare every min of the stimulation to the 5 min
baseline to see the changes.  In the design matrix, there are 11 conditions:
10 min for 10 conditions plus baseline condition.  By setting up a contrast,
I should be able to see the activation (versus baseline) of very min.

I think this design may decrease the sensitivity in detecting the
activation, since there is no good HRF to be convoluted.  But the
high and low of the BOLD signals should provide a reasonable comparison.
Does this design violate any SPM assumption?

Any suggestion and comment is appreciated.


Wen-Ching Liu, Ph.D.
Functional Imaging Laboratory
Department of Radiology
(fax); 973-972-0836