

Dear SPM list,

I have some DICOM images to convert. I have used several packages, but I was
wondering how the spm_DICOM m-file is doing this. More specifically, I am
looking how to relate the output of the SPM native conversion (header and
matlab file) to the differences in origin between the formats. From the
matlab file I gather that the spm functions flip the DICOM correctly along
the Y-axis, and that after normalisation in T&T space the images are flipped
again along the X-axis. Is this correct?

Additionally, the matlab file that is output by the SPM conversion, does it
contain information regarding this transformation?

And finally, is the origin determined from the DICOM header and where can
one find this information.

I have been looking at different sites and manuals but by now I am
completely lost in the differences between image formats. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Moreover, the information about the SPM conversion is
very hard to find (for instance, the WIKI refers to SPM_TBR, which in spm2
is obsolete I guess).

Kind regards
Bernie Caessens,Ph.D.
Dept. of Exp. Psychology &
Ghent Institute for functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (GIfMI)
Ghent University - Belgium