Hello all,

After completing a series of large fMRI analysis (analyses were specified and estimated) in SPM2, I was not able to access some of the results, getting the following error message when I attempted to call up the SPM.mat file:

>??? Reference to non-existent field 'xVol'.
> >Error in ==> /home/ndplab/spm2/spm_getSPM.m
> >On line 163  ==> XYZ    =
%-XYZ coordinates
> >Error in ==> /home/ndplab/spm2/spm_results_ui.m
> >On line 260  ==> [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM;
> >??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

This error was posted on the list before: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind03&L=spm&P=R4115&I=-1
with the only known solution at that time being to re-do (estimate) the analysis.  Has anyone figured out why the error occurs and how to prevent it?   Is there a way of accessing the results of an analysis in which this error message occurs other than re-estimating?   As noted in the above post, I found this problem to be intermittent in a series of very similar analyses.  Any ideas toward a solution, in whole or in part, will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Brandall Y. Suyenobu, Ph.D.
Staff Research Associate

Brain Imaging Core
CNS: Center for Neurovisceral Sciences & Women's Health
CURE: Digestive Diseases Research Center
UCLA Division of Digestive Diseases
Greater Los Angeles Veterans' Administration Healthcare System
Bldg. 115, rm 223
11301 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90073
Tel: (310) 478-3711 ext. 40580
Fax: (310) 794-2864