

I recently installed wfu_pickatlas on a linux suse 9.2 system equipped with
matlab 6.5 and spm2 (latest updates)
If I put /wfu_pickatlas in the path before /spm2 to activate roi analysis I
recive the following error just after pushing results button on spm2 gui

      SPM2: wfu_spm_getSPM2_conj (v2.50)         19:11:56 - 17/02/2005
Warning: Input must be a string.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:deblank:NonStringInput" to suppress this warning.)
> In /usr/local/matlab6/toolbox/matlab/strfun/deblank.m at line 18
  In /usr/local/matlab6/toolbox/matlab/strfun/cellstr.m at line 29
  In /home/riccardo/spm2/spm_conman.m at line 875
  In /home/riccardo/spm2/spm_conman.m at line 803
  In /home/riccardo/spm2/toolbox/WFU_PickAtlas/wfu_spm_getSPM2_conj.m at
line 232
  In /home/riccardo/spm2/toolbox/WFU_PickAtlas/spm_getSPM.m at line 14
  In /home/riccardo/spm2/spm_results_ui.m at line 260
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

any help appreciated
