


I am unable to find adequate information regarding using nifti file format
in SPM2. 

I used FSL 3.2b to strip the skull from colin27 brain image and want to use
that for input into SPM2 for segmentation and normalization. FSL outputs a
.nii file which I converted to ANALYZE two-file format using MRIcro. When I
input the stripped colin image(target) and the MNI152 stripped
image(source), I get an  error "There is not enough overlap in the images to
obtain a solution." When I view the colin image, there is nothing in the

Is there a way to resolve this file format problem? Perhaps I need to use an
older version of FSL? Or is there a better way to convert the *.nii to
*.hdr/*.img format that SPM2 will read correctly?

Thanks in advance for your help with this issue.