

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, KL Chen wrote:

> 1. Is this toolbox only useful for 6 diffusion gradient orientation ?

No. There are two processing streams - one for 6 direction data and the 
other one for more.

> 2. I use siemens machine and use spm to convert raw image into analyze
> format, than I can get FA image. but when I try to extract DTIdir from
> Helper, I got error message:
> attemp to reference field of non-structure array "ud'
> error in ..../Helpers/dti_extract_dirs.m line 131
> where am I wrong ?
> 3. where to input the diffusion gradient orientation value ?

The standard SPM conversion routine does not read the diffusion 
information from the scanner - you have to set this manually using 
dti_init_dtidata or "(Re)set diffusion information" from the helper menu.

How this works is documented in two support requests on the toolbox web 
site (you get there via the SPM extensions page). Go to the support 
tracker and look for all requests (also closed ones) there. If you have 
any other questions, please use the support tracker to ask them.

Volkmar Glauche
Department of Neurology		[log in to unmask]
Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg	Phone	49(0)761-270-5331
Breisacher Str. 64		Fax	49(0)761-270-5416
79106 Freiburg