

To whom it may concern

Hi, i'm new to SPM,
and I have some questions about deformation.
Thank you for your instruction.

1. For point normalization, I first get the inverse deformation followed
by the code at Gem 5, Normalizing [x y z] at "John's SPM2 Gems".
However, the corresponding position on template of lots of points away
from the volume center, including landmark as LPA, Nasion, and RPA, cannot
be found by this method. The inverse deformation seem not having all the
mapping points. I'd like to use these landmark to verify that the
deformation is correct. How to get these point?

2. I would also like to use deformation to get corresponding position on
individual's MRI from template. Can I use the deformation, y_xxxx.img, in
the very similar way as Gem 5, Normalizing [x y z] at "John's SPM2 Gems".
If it is implausible, how to do it?

3. Are both "deformation, y_xxxx.img" and "inverse deformation,
iy_xxxx.img" already containing the information of affine matrix?
Therefore I can apply them without additionally adding affine matrix. Is
that correct?

4. At last, I'd like to learn more about the deformation field in SPM,
where can I get the manual or any reference recommended for me to read?

Thank you very much
