

Dear SPM community,

I recently reanalyzed data I had modeled before using the hrf only, this
time using a model with hrf+temporal and dispersion derivative.

According to the suggestions by Rick Henson (e.g. I set up
a rfx 2nd level analysis for this. 

I then used an F-contrast (1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1) testing for whether
any of the three regressors explains some variance in my data. 

In addition, I calculated a T-contrast (1 0 0) for the canonical hrf only. 
In general, the pattern of results looks very similar for the two 
However, what I do not understand is why the t-contrast shows some voxels
and clusters which fail to be significant at all in the F-contrast. 

Shouldn't it be the other way round (if at all)? I.e. that I see activation
in the F contrast which I do not see in the T contrast (with the reason for
this being that the F test also uses variance explained by the derivatives)?

Thx a lot for helping me with this
