

	We're looking for the best way to analyze a design like the following:
	- Two groups of subjects (ex: patients and controls)
	- two levels of treatment (ex: drug and placebo)
	Each subject has 2 scans from separate days.  One for the drug condition 
and one for placebo.  What's the easiest and/or best way to look at the 
group RFX?
	One idea we had was to just model both scans in one large design matrix 
(as in this post 
But we weren't sure if that was the best way.
	Since SPM2 doesn't offer a 2-way ANOVA, what's the best option to run 
something like that?  Is there a script someone has to make SPM2 do a 
2-way?  Or could I fake it with a one-way ANOVA with 4 conditions (ex: 
patient_drug, patient_placebo, control_drug, control_placebo)?

