

Hello, I am working with data from an AD population and have used Christian
Gaser's create template and optimized VBM procedures in order to generate
the template and priors and also the normalization parameters (from VBM) to
apply to perfusion MRI images. The perfusion images are 7 slice and have
been masked for gray matter and partial volume corrected. I used the
default [2 2 2] dimensions when I applied the normalization parameters to
the perfusion image. I also wrote the normalized image with [1 1 1], since
this is how the parameters were generated in the first place in VBM. The
normalized perfusion image looks strange to me (with both [1 1 1] and [2 2
2]) and I am unsure what the best procedure for normalization might be in
my case. I have attached the normalized perfusion image [2 2 2]. Thanks! Audrey

BTW: the dimensions of the perfusion image before normalization were 128 x
128 x 7 with 2.34 x 2.34 x 10 voxels. The warped T1 image from VBM was 157
x 189 x 156. My T1 template and priors looked very good.

Audrey Duarte, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
San Francisco VAMC
4150 Clement St, Mail stop:116R
San Francisco, Ca 94121
415-221-4810 x 3852