

Very useful Dave.

Trash activated - but filed for future reference.


-----Original Message-----
From: email list for Radical Statistics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Professor David Gordon
Sent: 05 December 2005 16:29
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: More Strong evidence for the genetics of intelligence

Dear All

The very useful Public Eye website


describes "Websites with Oppressive or Right-wing Agendas That Undermine 
Democracy & Diversity

Including Conservative, Reactionary, Sexist, Heterosexist, Libertarian, 
Theocratic, Regressive Populist, Conspiracist, Antisemitic, Xenophobic 
White Racial Nationalist, & Extreme Right Groups and Their Allies"

It lists the 'American Renaissance' website from which Alan Truelove has 
copied his article on Race Realism' as a 'White Racial Nationalism' 
website.  You should be able to glean from the description of such websites 
below just how accurate and reliable you think articles on this website are 
likely to be! and file it in 'Trash'.

Best wishes


Racial Nationalist Web Sites
White Racial Nationalism

    The white racial nationalists' ideology oscillates along a continuum 
from unconscious nationalist ethnocentrism to bullying ultra-patriotic 
bigotry to vulgar fascism in service of White male supremacy. What 
separates this sector from the extreme right is that some adherents 
practice a form of cultural racism rather than the didactic biological 
racism of the extreme right. Multiculturalism and pluralism are seen as 
threatening the essence of the nation and civilization itself. Most in this 
category see culture and nation as immutable.

    In its mildest form White racial nationalism proclaims it is free from 
prejudice, and willing to treat as equals Jews and people of color. The 
catch is that everyone has to be willing to behave just like a middle class 
straight White Christian man who embraces the culture of northern Europe. 
This is a form of ethnocentric racism, which, albeit not as fierce or 
objectionable as the views of genetic determinists in race hate groups, is 
a form of racism nonetheless. It should be noted that the groups listed 
below all claim to be free from racism.

    In its most extreme form, White racial nationalism supports unilateral 
militarism abroad and repression at home to force compliance with the needs 
of the nation. Social problems are seen as caused by uncivilized people of 
color, lower-class foreigners, and dual-loyalist Jews, who must all be 
exposed and neutralized.

    Samuel Francis, the prototypical extreme racial nationalist, writes 
columns warning against attempts to "wipe out traditional White, American, 
Christian, and Western Culture," which he blames on multiculturalism. 
Francis's solutions: "Americans who want to conserve their civilization 
need to get rid of elites who want to wreck it, but they also need to kick 
out the vagrant savages who have wandered across the border, now claim our 
country as their own, and impose their cultures upon us. If there are any 
Americans left in San Jose, they might start taking back their country by 
taking back their own city....You don't find statues to Quetzalcoatl in 

--On 05 December 2005 14:27 +0000 Alan Truelove <[log in to unmask]> 

> The following piece by the distinguished Psychologist Chris Brand (ex
> Edinburgh LUniversity) is reproduced without comment.
> I have not yet checked the jrnl Science for the original.
> (I would be interested in comments from members who have, and will pass
> them along to one or two elite NewsGroups where there has been some
> discussion, unless you indicate otherwise).
> Best wishes from Alan Truelove,  No. Va. & Ashford, Kent.
> - - - - -
> American Renaissance  Dec 2005
> Race Realism takes a Step Forward
> More Strong evidence for the genetics of intelligence
> By Chris Brand
> The  moment the anti-racists and egalitarians have dreaded has now
> arrived. In Sept, Univ of Chi geneticists published data in the
> prestigious journal Science that links 2 sets of genetic variation
> (alleles) to brain size, race and spurts in human evolution. In
> particular, these genetic variations ?arguable responsible for grater
> intelligence-were relatively common in Europe and Asia, but markedly less
> common in sub-Saharan Africa. Previously the same researchers had shown
> these variations to be much more frequent in man than in other mammals,
> tho' our closest relatives, the chimps, showed levels that suggest some
> evolution in the direction of humans.
> This excellent new Chicago work has been carried out under the direction
> of a young Chinese Dr Bruce Lahn. His team had studied the prevalence of
> variants of the 2 genes that are disabled or damaged in human cases of
> sever microcephaly in which the brain develops to only 30% normal size.
> The fact they are damaged .. suggests they are necess. For normal brain
> growth. Dr Lahn's researchers examined the DNA of 1,184 people around the
> world ? tho' not in racially mixed areas like N America, Russia,
> Australia. They estimated that 1 undamaged variation microcephalin
> haplogroup D ("V1") first appeared around 10,000 BC and has since spread
> to some 70 % of humans. It is more common in Europe, Asia, South America
> and Latin America than in black Africa.  At three % it is especially
> infrequent in Congo pygmies, whom black Africans commonly regarded as
> inferior.
> A 2nd variant of the gene, abnormal spindle-like microcephaly-associated
> haplogroup D ("V2") arrived more recently, around 6000 BC, & has since
> spread to 30% pf humans. It is most common in Europe & the Middle East,
> some less  common in Asia, & distinctly rare in black Africa,
> Dr Lahn & his colleagues noted that the arrival of V1 coincided roughly
> with the first signs of human habitation & agriculture; V2 appeared about
> the time of the first cities and the development of written language. The
> Chi. Team believes these new alleles gave rise to these important
> developments & that their possessors reproduced quickly by occupying the
> new niches offered by agriculture & the written language.
> Geneticists can estimate the age of an allele by observing the number of
> mutations found in it & calculating back to when the allele first appeared
> in the most recent  common ancestor. Mutations arise at predictable
> rates, & are considered to be a reasonably  accurate measure of
> relatively short periods of evolution. It is by this method that
> scientists estimate it has been five to six million years since humans
> and chimpanzees had a common ancestor.
> Needless to say, the CHI SCIENTISTS WENT TO GREAT PAINS NOT TO pose too
> great a challenge to modern sensitivities about race and genes. At their
> press conference they insisted there was "not necessarily" a connection
> between these gene variations and brain size. They found that sub-Saharan
> blacks were the most distinct of the racial groups they studied, in that
> they had  a markedly lower freq. of both variants . This is consistent
> with the distinct black African profile of smaller brains and lower IQ.
> The Chi. Results are exactly what we would expect from the work of Prof
> Phil Rushton of Univ of W Ontario who has used modern brain scanning
> methods to establish  a correlation as high as .40  between brain size &
> IQ. Needless to say, the Chi.. researchers could not mention Prof
> Rushton's name for fear of jeopardizing further funding. Some suspect
> they already have data in the pipeline linking these genetic variations
> directly to IQ, & that when they hold another press conference to
> announce these findings they want someone to attend.
>   Naturally the authors wrote only of "geographical" & not of racial
> differences in the freq. of these alleles, but no one is fooled by this
> piety. They assured the press that their V work does not mean black
> Africans have a low IQ or any other disadvantage. At the same time, Dr
> Lahn implied the opposite when he volunteered  that Africans could well
> turn out to be blessed with still other variations, that might be shown
> one day to give them advantages of their own. In other words, it may have
> been purely by accident that the advantage in Europeans and Asians had
> come to light first. The findings come hard on the heels of work in
> Brisbane by Prof Nick Martin who has found sizeable IQ differences within
> families associated with variations in DNA chromosomes 2 and 6. His work
> did not look for race differences in the distribution of these variations
> , but that would be an obvious area of Research. At the same time the Oct
> 24 issue of New York Magazine devoted 8 pages to Gregory Cochran' and
> Henry Herpending's theory that high rates of sphingolphid genetic
> diseases like Tay-Sachs in Ashkenazi Jews may be associated with a
> substantial advantage in IQ (their work orig. appeared in the June issue
> of the Brit. Jrnl. Of Biosocial Sci)
> The media & even the scientists themselves can hedge & fudge all they
> like, but their favorite "post-modern" pretense that there is no such
> thing as race is looking sillier all the time. The Wests's anti-racists
> have succeeded in suppressing most references to the g (general
> intelligence) factor & the London School that discovered and developed
> the concept but they now face an assault from an unexpected quarter. Dr
> Bruce Lahn may be more the diplomat than one normally finds in nature v
> nurture debates, but he got his first taste of dissent as a student rebel
> in his home town of Peking during the Tianenmen Sq demos. This suggests
> he has a strong dislike for Communism's tyrannical and useless
> environmentalism & that he may have principles that will soon see him
> linked to his natural allies in the London School.
> (Chris Brand formerly of Edinburgh LUniversity is the author of "The g
> factor" ? dePublished by Wiley - reviewed in Whys and Wherefores of
> Intelligence, in Amer. Renaissance July 1996)
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Dave Gordon
Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research
University of Bristol
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Bristol BS8 1TZ, UK

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