

Toleration is a virtue when it stems from respect, and either weakness
or condescension when it does not. Classic liberalism inverts this
relationship, basing a plea for mutual respect on a basically negative
case for toleration (better put up with the other fellow's delusional
eejitry, as it's imprudent to assume you know better and fascistic to
act like you do). It gets into trouble when it's faced with people it
doesn't much feel like respecting (and clearly isn't respected by),
but has obliged itself to tolerate anyway.

I think that poetryetc's stipulations about mutually respectful
conduct are based on a combination of legal positivism (them's the
rules, because the list-owner says so and the listees agree) and
psychological shrewdness (mutually respectful conduct over time
fosters sentiments of actual mutual respect. Note that this is not
true of unilaterally respectful conduct). It would be a mistake to
suppose that we all like tying ourselves up in classic liberal
masochistic knots. Or that we can be made to feel bad by appealing to
fuzzy relativist pablums about the equal dignity of all points of
view, especially when the individual making the appeal clearly doesn't
believe a word of it anyway.
