

Kenneth Wolman wrote:

>> This is not a
> fucking death cult, Alison, it is a struggle to preserve people,

It's more like a Life cult.  Everybody's got their own beliefs. My tend
toward the "body as temple to the spirit" side and from the little
information I have about Terri, my conclusion is that her body has
failed her spirit.

What goes hand in hand with so much of the religious ramblings I've read
(which often hurl accusations at Michael Schiavo because somebody has to
be bad in this good vs bad scenario) is this refusal to acknowledge or
accept death, it's this glorification of life, any living. I just wish
that this idolization of life also included death, which is its natural
progression. What is so horribly wrong with death is the pain it causes
the survivors. Beyond that., we know nothing. Why assume the worst?


"The sweetest of all sounds is praise."

The Red Hibiscus