

Stephen Vincent wrote:

>>I haven't understood a word of this.
>>I just thought you meant panic attacks.
>>Big deal?
>Ken, Mr. Citizen, you haven't turned on the t.v.? Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld, etc.
>- not noticed how they - indeed in 'panic attack mode' - be babbling for
>'legal' cover. 
>It's bad poetry, to say the least.
>Stephen V
You will probably not believe this but we use the TV mostly as a monitor 
for videos and DVDs.  The news comes to me via the car radio and/or 
newspapers.  I got out of the habit of watching the tube beginning in 
April 1997 when I got separated.  I wonder how I knew about some major 
subjects FOR poetry...I'm thinking of the Columbine HS shootings in 
1999.  I must've had the radio on.  I gathered from this morning's news 
that the Bush poll numbers are still in the tank regardless of his last 
week's superb imitation of a rabid pit bull.  Beware of the dog, Vicious 
When Drunk.  The (I fear temporary) setback to the Patriot Act 
nevertheless must also be an irritant.

I have a very odd relationship with radio news.  Sometimes I will say to 
hell with it and put a music CD in the player.  But more often than not 
I listen to talk shows, features, or straight news.  I am not kidding 
about talk shows: I drive 43 miles each way to and from work, and Sean 
Hannity at least keeps me awake and aware of what the other pit bulls 
are doing.  His sincerity reminds me of Hitler's.  Unfair, isn't it?  It 
always amazes me that leftists refuse to listen to right-wing 
commentators or read their writings: if you don't know the thoughts of 
the people who are really in charge, you will wind up being ground up.

Or I'll put on Randi Rhodes on AirAmerica--the most well-informed and 
savage left wing commentator I have ever heard.

And there is always NPR to listen to people not screaming.  Terri Gross 
is my secret girlfriend.  I wish.

I DO wonder how long GW, DR, and DC can maintain the strong and tough 
front in the midst of emerging chaos.  What's scary to contemplate is 
how long it will take for the truncheons to come out.


Kenneth Wolman
Proposal Development Department
Room SW334
Sarnoff Corporation

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
				-Douglas Adams