

I read recently  that the women in the Yoshiwara sometimes tattooed their
favorite haiku along with the name of their chief patron on certain
parts of their bodies.  This intrigued me so much that I thought I'd
enlist the help of the list concerning the idea of worn poetry/text.
Please participate by telling us, specifically, what poem/text you would
have tattooed on your body, and exactly where on your body you would
tattoo the poem/text in question.  Poems can be in any language, and any
length and of course any part of the anatomy is fair game.  Oh yes, and
you could tell us why you would place the poem where you would place it.

Instances of tattoo poetry/text from history, or popular culture would be
appreciated.  If you're really game you could text yourself and tell us
about it.  It might make an interesting addition to a future ahadada
book. Jesse