

In the trade men who fit the diagnosis have been referred to as hysterics 
for at least thirty years, without embarrassment, tho informally one 
sometimes hears "male hysteric." Neither the male nor the female kind is 
referred to as hysteria in the DSM, the standard Diagnostic and Statistical 
Manual of Mental Disorders, which breaks the psyche's possibilities into 
insurance-company-frindly numbered cotegories. A list of them can be found 


At 12:54 PM 12/19/2005, you wrote:
>Is there a psychological category/classification for "male hysteria"? I
>admit to suffering from what that is on occasion. But it begins to strike me
>that Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Gonzales et al are "male-hysterics". I suspect it
>was not the Twin Towers but the plane that went into the Pentagon (the
>equivalent of their private parts) that provoked a full dose, now over 4
>year sustained attack of this nationally self-destructive hysteria. In their
>madness they have torn-up the constitution, tortured, etc., etc.
>Not a pretty site! Pretty crazy. It will be interesting to see if the U.S.A.
>Congress and Judiciary will have the courage to stop enabling this disease.
>I suspect, sadly, the recovery will be quite slow.
>Stephen V