

Hi François

I imagine an animal adapting to a changing environment / relationships... some how I relate that to 
the way design and designers are adapting too.

>Precisely! The key concept here is that of "relationships". 

I am very interested in this word *relationships*

>Instead of orienting our search on "opportunism", perhaps we should 
>rather focus on the concept of "ability to build connections among 
>diverse elements and phenomena" 

Just started having a look Gian Battista VICO ideas... very interesting!
Still trying to get my head around the concept...*Ingenium* so please explain more.

Ingenium = human communications = reveal connections = revealing knowledge and persuade 
people *without* resorting to methods of logic or mathematics.

What best describes Ingenium? 

I might be way off here - *Opportunistic memory research*
addressing a cognitive goal, to postpone an idea (goal) while working on something else. To later 
reveal connections (relationships) in very much the same way Bell did when he invented the 

So how might that look with regards to two groups mentioned? 

1) the resource 
2) builder / connecter? (opportunist)

Apologies for all the questions...but I do find this all very interesting indeed.

Kind regards
