


----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     Tim Smithers <[log in to unmask]>

> All PhD programmes and all PhD supervisors have a professional
> responsibility to provide high quality supervision. Now I know
> full well that this does not always happen, and that people do
> get awarded PhD degrees after having had nothing like a proper
> supervised training in doing research, and yet others fail to
> present a thesis for the lack of good enough supervision.  That
> this is sadly true does not change the fact that a PhD is
> necessarily a supervised training in doing research. 

this sounds like 'marriage is necessarily between a man and a woman'

Thinking that an option--to escape
> an unhappy, inadequate, or useless supervision situation--is
> to go without supervision, is a basic mistake; a clear indication
> that the student has not  yet learned what research is about,
> and thus, that he or she needs some proper supervised training
> in doing research.

this sounds like 'a woman can never be happy without a man' ,
that 'a lesbian just to be in love with a man to know what love really is'.

since when phd is necessaily a supervised trainning in doing research? as far as i know,
phd is an independent, orginial inquiry contributing to (collective) knowlege. 

 how abandoning an unhappy inadequate or useless supervision is an escape?
i will tell you that it takes tremendous courage and often support for abused women to leave their abusors.
 most cannot.  i will say that same thing about phd students who are in unpleasant situations. 

i wonder who is really mistaken here. 



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