

The History of Science Unit of the University of Regensburg announces a PhD studentship for research on

   Research Style and Teaching Practice in Robert W. Bunsen's Heidelberg Laboratory.

Research focus is on early physical chemistry, instrumentation, and teaching methods. The project requires archival research. A detailed research plan is available. 

The studentship will be granted for 24 months (renewable for additional 12 months) at a rate of 820 Euro tax-free per month, plus a sufficient allowance for materials and travel. Start: any time from now.

Applicants should have a degree in the history of science; science graduates should have additional qualifications in the humanities. They must meet the formal requirements for entering a PhD programme in the history of science. The eventual PhD dissertation can be submitted in English, but since the sources are in German, a sound knowledge of German is required. 

The successful candidate is expected to work in Regensburg and Heidelberg. 

Applications by mail or email should be sent to the address below; application deadline: 31 March 2005. 


    Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
    Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
    Universität Regensburg
    D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
    Tel. +49-941-943 3661, Fax +49-941-943 1985
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