

Pressuring the media
JNV has inaugurated a project to send rapid-rebuttal letters to the
papers to counter the barrage of propaganda in the media's commentary on
the London bombings eg. responding to those who deny the link between
British foreign policy and the willingness of some Muslims to
participate in anti-Western terrorism. See

Media review
JNV is also providing a daily Review of the broadsheets media coverage
of the bombings and their aftermath. Recent articles include: 'Answering
Aaronovitch' and 'How the British newspapers misrepresent the nature of
the threat'. See <>.

Counter Terror Build Justice DVD (20 mins)
Produced by JNV and written and directed by activist and author Milan
Rai (Chomsky's Politics, War Plan Iraq, Regime Unchanged) - and
featuring Bruce Kent, as well as a host of Vox Pops ' CTBJ explains
clearly why the UK Government's 'war on terror' is not only wrong but is
actually endangering UK citizens. By showing how al-Qaeda draws upon
legitimate grievances to create a reservoir of support, it also
indicates what a real 'counter-terrorism' strategy, draining that
reservoir, would actually involve.

Available for £6.50 incl. p&p from Voices in the Wilderness UK: Voices
UK, 5 Caledonian Rd, London N1 9DX. Cheques should be made payable to
'Voices in the Wilderness UK.'

Whatever you Wanadoo

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