The US Army put up a .pdf report of its recent 'investigation' into their
 shooting of an Italian secret service agent at a road block (web site Chunks of this were 'blacked out' to prevent the public seeing 'sensitive' information.

Some guy in Italy, though, discovered that if you select a chunk of
page, then copy and paste it into something else (like a Word or .txt file...),
the hidden bits magically re-appear....!

Try it – if you use the ‘find’ tool in the edit menu of Acrobat, and type in
‘November’ you are directed to a bit of blacked out text. Copy the text and you read:

"From 1 November 2004 to 12 March 2005 there were a total of 3306 attacks in  the Baghdad area. Of these, 2400 were directed against Coalition Forces."   

Well, 3306 attacks in 4 months is around 1 attack every 57 minutes...! In  'the Baghdad area' alone...!!





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