

Thanks for all those who have responded (both to the list and to me personally) regarding 'fair use/fair dealing' and copright.

David Miller mentioned having some sort of list debate regarding the purpose, aims, use of Media Watch. I'm relatively new to the list and have tended to post quite regularly on issues around Iraq and the media (which has reflected my own current interests). However, I have been conscious that this may not be why others have joined the list and would be keen to participate in a debate around how best the list could be utilised. Many lists become 'dumping grounds' for published stories (I hold my hands up to contributing to this phenomenon!). Although, many of the articles are first class and extremely relevant they can have the unfortunate effect of closing spaces purposely opened up for debate, discussion, critique, information sharing, organising, solidarity etc. 
What's other list members experience, perception of this?
