

From todays globalecho !

Chuck Richardson: Labor Day All Day Every Day Until Wonk Day
Workers and management in today’s world cross national borders like never before, and since corporations view national sovereignty as an unnecessary obstacle, so should labor. This would stop multinational corporations from playing one country and region against another. If Mexican workers are getting a raw deal, workers all over the world are getting the shaft.

Maher Osseiran: Katrina II Ravages the Sunni Triangles!
If you think hurricane Katrina would cause Iraqis to breath the sight of relief, think again!

Conal Urquhart: Israeli troops say they were given shoot-to-kill order
Israeli military prosecutors have opened criminal investigations following allegations by soldiers that they carried out illegal shoot-to-kill orders against unarmed Palestinians.

Dave Wearing: Democracy and the rule of law: the Iraqi alternative to US occupation
Freedom, democracy and human rights do not exist in this "new Iraq". Even Iraq's new government understands that it is the occupier that pulls the strings. The occupation works by division, along sectarian and ethnic lines, for example through the Transitional Administrative Law imposed by the US, or through the effects of US military actions.

Elizabeth Davies: Yahoo! 'gave e-mail details that helped jail Chinese writer'
Information supplied by the internet giant Yahoo! to Chinese intelligence has resulted in the conviction of a journalist for "divulging state secrets abroad", a respected international press organisation said.

David Walsh: After New Orleans disaster - human misery and the profit principle
The French novelist Balzac famously wrote, “Behind every great fortune there is a great crime,” and over the past century and a half and more, no one has proved him wrong.

Marjorie Cohn: John Roberts - Uncompassionate Conservative
George W. Bush has nominated John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the United States. Bush lauded Roberts for his "goodwill and decency toward others." Yet Roberts' record reveals a callous disregard for the rights of people very much like the tens of thousands who have died and been rendered homeless by Katrina.

Michelle Pilecki: Proclaiming the Truth About the State of Emergency
What's the Mark Twain line? "A lie can travel halfway 'round the world before truth can get its boots on." The Washington Post and hundreds of other media outlets around the world have explained the slow federal response on a power struggle with Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco: "As of Saturday [Sept. 3], Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said." - But she did. On Friday, August 26.

Larry Chin: Hurricane Katrina and holocaust: Slow response or deliberate extermination?
New reports, including accounts from eyewitnesses and survivors from the hardest hits areas like New Orleans, suggest the hurricane victims have been deliberately left to die.

Medialens: MEDIA ALERT: Burying The Lancet - PART 2
Given the extraordinary gravity of the issue - our governments’ responsibility for the illegal killing of tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of innocent civilians - it is also hard to imagine a more appalling journalistic failure and betrayal.

E&P Staff: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans
Accompanying her husband, former President George H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them."

Gary Younge: Murder and rape - fact or fiction?
There were two babies who had their throats slit. The seven-year-old girl who was raped and murdered in the Superdome. And the corpses laid out amid the excrement in the convention centre.

Howard Witt: Spreading the poison of bigotry
They locked down the entrance doors Thursday at the Baton Rouge hotel where I'm staying alongside hundreds of New Orleans residents driven from their homes by Hurricane Katrina.

Martin Johnson: An Open Letter To Howard Jacobson
I’m writing regarding your ‘red top heart’ article in the Independent. There’s a great deal I take issue with, but I’ll stick to one question: Of all the bombings that have occurred since 911 why did this particular one anger you so profoundly?

Copenhagen Post: United States banned from using Danish Airspace
The American Central Intelligence Agency can no longer use Danish airspace for flights to transport suspected terrorists around the world.

Robert Scheer: The real costs of a culture of greed
WHAT THE WORLD has witnessed this past week is an image of poverty and social disarray that tears away the affluent mask of the United States.

George Monbiot: And still he stays silent
By hailing the failure of this summer's G8 summit as a success, Bob Geldof has betrayed the poor of Africa

Chuck Richardson: Dear Boss Man: Stick'em Up!
Your wage slaves are about to get in your face. We’re going to take what you’ve been hording and give it to those who need and deserve it. May your goddess, Ayn Rand, spin in her grave, as the real Atlas is about to shrug. You can run, but you can’t hide. The gates of your communities are about to burst like the levies.

Matt Wells: Has Katrina saved US media?
As President Bush scurries back to the Gulf Coast, it is clear that this is the greatest challenge to politics-as-usual in America since the fall of Richard Nixon in the 1970s.

Kola Odetola: If they'd been white......
If the thousands who lost their lives in New Orleans were white, they would have cancelled the US open as a mark of respect, The black Queens of tennis, the Williams sisters dutifully chorusing the usual platitudes about how sport seems so unimportant "at times like this" But they were black.

Robin Beste: Iraq: You can make a difference
Noam Chomsky says there is not just one super power in the world, there are two: the United States and world public opinion. On Saturday 24 September we can show that ours is the voice of the overwhelming majority, a voice which represents peace and justice, rather than the death and destruction which is all the other super power has to offer.

Matt Wells: New Orleans crisis shames Americans
What the devastating consequences of Katrina have shown - along with the response to it - is that for too long now, the fabric of this complex and overstretched country, especially in states like Louisiana and Mississippi, has been neglected and ignored.