

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rahm Emanuel, DCCC Chair
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:57 PM
Subject: Where is the Oversight?

            Dear Jean B.,

             These days, it's hard to keep up with the scandals of One Party 
Rule in Washington.

            DeLay's election scams, Frist's financial dealings, Cheney's 
lobbying for torture, domestic spying, secret prisons abroad, the Katrina 
debacle, outing a CIA agent, Rove, Scooter, and the Rubber Stamp Republicans 
giving the green light all the way.

            Where is the oversight? Where is the accountability?

            It's up to you. We have just 3 days left before the most 
critical fundraising deadline there is in politics. Republicans and their 
wealthy cohorts know we have the momentum. They will fight tooth and nail to 
maintain their power and the status quo that is so profitable for them. Will 
you help us?

            Contribute $25, $50, or more so Democratic Candidates Keep Pace 
at Year-End

            At year-end, after sweeping Democratic victories in November, 
wealthy special-interest groups are flooding the coffers of rubber stamp 
Republicans before this critical deadline. Your contribution today will 
ensure Election 2006 is a fair fight. We simply can no longer afford to give 
them a green light to more unchecked abuse and neglect by Republicans.

            Make or break elections are just around the corner.

            Will you let the wealthy special interests that profit from a 
corrupt status quo continue to dictate the outcome of our elections? Or will 
you join me in saying, "Enough is enough," and help make sure we meet our 
$200,000 goal so we can compete with the year-end flood of Republican 
special-interest money. We know what's coming next with their money: 
unlimited funding of attacks, deception, obstacles to counting votes, and 
any new underhanded tactics strategists like Rove can devise.

            Contribute $25, $50, or more so Democratic Candidates Keep Pace 
at Year-End

            Republican operatives boast of how they like to "knockout 
Democratic challengers" early, before they even get a chance out of the box. 
Our candidates are already facing relentless attacks from a powerful, 
well-funded Republican machine.

            We can't afford to wait until spring and summer to fight back - 
we need your help today. I can't be more clear: elections can't be won 
today, but they can indeed be lost - especially at year-end when the 
wealthy, right-wing kicks into high gear funding mode. Only through a 
unified commitment from our grassroots supporters will we succeed in making 
their machine obsolete. We are just $36,000 shy of our $200,000 goal. That 
number is not randomly selected. It's what we know our candidates need in 
order to compete.

            Contribute $25, $50, or more so Democratic Candidates Keep Pace 
at Year-End

            The DCCC is the only organization whose principal mission is to 
provide strategic and financial support to Democratic House candidates every 
step of the way.

            We only need 15 seats to win the majority, and we have over 50 
great challengers ready to get the job done. These are skilled, principled, 
and progressive candidates who, like you, have had enough of a do-nothing, 
corrupt Republican Congress that takes care of its friends at the expense of 
the American people.

            With Democrats at the helm, we will hold all branches of our 
government accountable in a bipartisan manner. We will demand a plan for 
success in Iraq with specific benchmarks. We will implement the 
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that Republicans opposed. We will 
stop Republican cuts in student loans that raise the cost of higher 
education nearly $6,000. We will give Medicare the right to negotiate lower 
prescription drug costs in mass-purchasing. And we will offer fiscally and 
morally responsible budgets that put the needs of middle-class Americans 

            Contribute $25, $50, or more so Democratic Candidates Keep Pace 
at Year-End

            Let's end the Republicans' green light for corruption and failed 
Bush-Cheney-DeLay policies. Let's end the deterioration of our reputation as 
a beacon for human rights. Let's end the inexcusable neglect of 45 million 
uninsured Americans. Let's end the doling out of tax cuts for the wealthiest 
Americans while a ballooning deficit burdens future generations.

            Let's make sure Congress is once again The People's House, and 
not simply a White House Annex.

            Contribute $25, $50, or more so Democratic Candidates Keep Pace 
at Year-End

            I know I can count on you to make Election 2006 a fair and 
winning fight.


            Rahm Emanuel


            Forward our message to your friends and family.

            Interested in electing more Democrats to the House? Contribute 
to the DCCC today.