From todays globalecho !

Robert Fisk: America slowly confronts the truth
The old media dog sniffed the air, found power was moving away from the White House, and began to drool

Dahr Jamail: "Pacified" Fallujah
Yesterday morning on NPR (National Pentagon Radio) their reporter in Baghdad was asked if he felt what Mr. Bush said in a recent speech was true-was the US military strategy in Iraq working? He replied that he felt what Mr. Bush said was true in some cases, like in Fallujah. The NPR reporter referred to Fallujah as "pacified."

Isabel MacDonald: MINUSTAH in Cite Soleil
Luckson Docius, a 48-year old metalworker who supported his family of seven by making saucepans was at work on November 24 when a bullet fired by a UN “peacekeeper” working with the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) ripped through the metal wall of his studio and killed him.

Anatol Lieven: Decadent America Must Give Up Imperial Ambitions
U.S. global power, as presently conceived by the overwhelming majority of the U.S. establishment, is unsustainable. To place American power on a firmer footing requires putting it on a more limited footing. Despite the lessons of Iraq, this is something that American policymakers - Democrat and Republican, civilian and military - still find extremely difficult to think about.

William Bowles: On the road to Damascus
Oil in the next war will occupy the place of coal in the present war, or at least a parallel place to coal. The only big potential supply that we can get under British control is the Persian and Mesopotamian supply .… Control over these oil supplies becomes a first class British war aim – Sir Maurice Hankey in 1918 and Britain’s First Secretary of the War Cabinet

Daniela Estrada: Media Democracy Must Sprout From the Grassroots
Civil society must lead the democratisation of the media, an issue that was barely touched on at the recent World Summit on the Information Society, said participants at an international meeting in the Chilean capital.

Zen Toro: Death Before Dishonor
I cannot support a msn [mission] that leads to corruption, human rights abuse and liars. I am sullied," it says. "I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored.

Mike Head: Australian government insists on sedition clauses in new terrorism legislation
Organisations to be outlawed and individuals jailed for “urging disaffection” with the government or expressing sympathy for resistance to Australian military interventions, such as the one currently underway in Iraq.

Elizabeth Wilmshurst: It is time for Britain to come clean on its part in rendition
Allegations about the use of British airports to refuel CIA planes carrying terrorist suspects to countries where they are to be interrogated and tortured raise the question whether this has anything to do with us. Why should the UK be involved or concerned?

Patrick Cockburn: Military progress claimed by White House is an illusion
The Iraqi armed forces on the ground in Baghdad look very different from the encouraging picture of them painted by President George Bush. Its men are often packed into pathetically vulnerable convoys of ageing white pick-up trucks.

Ziauddin Sardar: The next holocaust
Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease: across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. Do new pogroms beckon?

Chris Floyd: Masked Man
The recent revelations about the virulent spread of death squads ravaging Iraq have only confirmed for many people the lethal incompetence of the Bush Regime, whose brutal bungling appears to have unleashed the demon of sectarian strife in the conquered land. The general reaction, even among some war supporters, has been bitter derision: "Jeez, these bozos couldn't boil an egg without causing collateral damage."

John Hepburn: GM Rice No Solution To Poverty And Starvation
World Food Day, which was celebrated recently, is a time of year to reflect on where our food comes from, on the abundance of food for some, and the lack of access for so many others. It is a time to reflect on the history of food, and the future of food.

Gabriele Zamparini: The Face of War
It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. - Albert Einstein

Mike Whitney: Riding with the Bad Boys - The rise of Iraqi death squads
The New York Times confirmed today that the "Iraqi (security) forces are carrying out executions in predominantly Sunnis neighborhoods."

Philip Challinor: We weren't always this ethical, you know
Now, here's a shock: the Foreign Office has not always told the truth.

Tim Howells: How our governments use terrorism to control us

The sponsorship of terrorism by western governments, targeting their own populations, has been a taboo subject. Although major scandals have received cursory coverage in the media, the subject has been allowed to immediately disappear without discussion or investigation. Therefore the appearance this year of two major studies of this subject is a welcome breakthrough, and provides essential reading for anyone struggling to understand the events of September 11, 2001 and the post September 11 world.

Mark Steel: The need for a modern free market in torture
Before long there'll be league tables so customers can decide which torturer to attend

Shannon Jones: Probe exposes criminal methods in Republican right takeover of US Public TV
A report issued by the inspector general of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) reveals that its former chairman, Kenneth Tomlinson, violated federal laws in his efforts to refashion public radio and television as propaganda organs for the Republican right and the Bush administration. The report suggests that the entire CPB board was to one degree or another complicit in Tomlinson’s actions.

Wadah Khanfar: Why did you want to bomb me, Mr Bush and Mr Blair?
Al-Jazeera's quest for answers has been met with silence from both the White House and Downing Street

Stephen J. Lendman: Comments on Norman Finklestein's new book - 'Beyond Chutzpah'
Dr. Finklestein knew full well because of his great credibility, integrity and reputation for meticulous scholarship he would have to brace for the inevitable assault against him after or even before publication. It certainly came and quite viciously - cancelled scheduled appearances to discuss his book, an effort to keep it from being published and more.