Apologies for cross-posting
About a year ago I e-mailed several lists to gather information on web sites, videos etc to support the teaching of clinical skills to nursing students. This was to assist a member of our teaching staff with a project she was running. Unfortunately she wasn't able to complete the project at the time but we are now picking it up again. I am therefore trying to update the information people kindly provided me with last year.
I am aware of the resources listed below but would be very grateful if you could let me know of any other resources you know of which I may have missed at the time or any new ones. We are specifically looking for web-based resources which could be incorporated into a VLE module (with the publisher's permission) for our pre-registration nursing students. The topics we are interested in include clinical and observational skills and material for mental health and learning disabities nursing, such as communication and interpersonal skills. 
Basic Clinical Skills (Gold Standard Multimedia) http://bcs.medinfo.ufl.edu/
Blood Pressure Measurement (BMJ Books) http://www.abdn.ac.uk/medical/bhs/
Cannulation tutorial (Emergency-Nurse.org) http://www.emergency-nurse.org/tutorials/iv/index.htm
Edge Hill College's Faculty of Health Modular Learning and Teaching Resource http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/mltr/
Infection Prevention Online course (EngenderHealth) http://www.engenderhealth.org/ip/index.html
MedExEth online (Drexel University) http://griffin.med.drexel.edu/medethex/index.html
Clinical Skills Online (Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine ) http://axis.cbcu.cam.ac.uk/skills_web/clinicalskills.htm
Lifesign http://lifesign.ac.uk/
Drug Calculations for Health Professionals http://www.testandcalc.com/
Wound dressings  (Greenwich Medical Media Ltd) http://www.nurse-prescriber.co.uk/education/modules/woundDress/woundress1.htm
Resources listed in CAL Reviews (Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine)  http://axis.cbcu.cam.ac.uk/calreviews/resource.asp
Films and videos available through EMOL http://www.emol.ac.uk/
I would also be interested in any similar projects.
Please reply directly to me (you will get my out-of-office reply as I'm on holiday next week). If you are interested in my findings please let me know, and I'll e-mail them to you when the project has finished.
Thanks very much, Liz
Liz Mailer
Assistant Librarian
Harold Bridges Library
St Martin's College
Bowerham Road
tel: 01524-384496
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