Dear All,
Despite our plaintive wails, Elsevier have confirrmed that they are stopping institutional electronic access to Kumar and Clark from March 2006. I am encouraging all our teachers/tutors to contact Elsevier to emphasise what a loss this is to our staff and students.
Elsevier want each student to purchase a copy which gives them access to the electronic site. Many students cannot afford to do this, and it really restricts the kind of support the library can offer. All our students out at Base Units and who have seminars round the campus use the resource heavily. Why can't Elsevier continue to offer institutional as well as individual access?
Can I ask if anyone else is lobbying Elsevier or are asking their teaching/medical staff to?
We are also seriously considering alternative core textbooks - is anyone else? And if so, which titles?
I really don't think we should stand for this...
Erika Gwynnett
Medical Librarian
Walton Library
Medical School
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
0191 222 7792