

Course Fishing?


As part of the recently concluded FOLIO Course on Designing and Delivering
Information Skills Training Courses (InfoSkills), sponsored by the National
Library for Health Librarian Development Programme and delivered by ScHARR,
University of Sheffield, course participants from all over the NHS have
compiled a "Gallery" of Information Skills course proposals containing
sample features such as Aims, Objectives, Learning Outcomes and timetables.


Could we commend this resource to you if you are thinking of developing your
own course or learning resource - to stimulate some ideas and provide some


As with all FOLIO materials these are available to access freely on the Web
- the courses are for registrants only but the resources are always open


Our thanks go to Lynda Ayiku, the FOLIO InfoSkills course facilitator, for
placing these on the Web and to the anonymised Infoskills participants for
their participation. As with any such resource we are assuming that these
will be used to generate ideas not for slavish imitation - so you will just
have to moan if our participants came up with a good catchy title before you




Andrew Booth

Facilitated Online Learning Interactive Opportunity (FOLIO) Programme