Dear Colleagues
Apologies for cross-posting
Downtime for NHS Single Search Environment
The NHS Single Search (SSE) will be unavailable from 10.00 p.m. until midnight on Thursday 13th October.  This is to enable essential maintenance to take place.  All other NLH resources - News and RSS feeds, For Librarians etc. will continue to be available from the NLH homepage at during this period.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.  If you experience any problems with NLH please contact me direct.
kind regards
Please note new address and telephone number from 26th September:
Phil Vaughan
Service Delivery Coordinator
National Library for Health
NHS Connecting for Health
6th Floor
3 Brindleyplace
B1 2JB
tel: 01392-663783
mob: 07887-773921
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