

I have been approached by academic staff to consider the "potential to
develop an anatomy and physiology area of the library, where students could
view anatomical models and also maybe work on anatomy and physiology CDRoms.
There might also be posters of anatomy and physiology too."

In preparation for meeting with the staff concerned, I am interested in
finding out if any other libraries contain such a physical collection, HE
institutions in particular.  How is it managed?  Did it's set-up require
additional funding (I have a feeling some of these models can be pricey)?
etc.  We already subscribe to Anatomy.TV and I will be working with staff to
exploit its potential further for teaching purposes and that is of course
available to all of our students, regardless of whether they are sitting in
any future anatomy/physiology resource area.

I'd love to hear any thoughts or information you'd be willing to share and
will of course summarise for anyone else who may be interested.

Many thanks in anticipation

Melanie Brocklehurst
Senior Information Adviser - Health & Social Care
Learning and Information Services
London South Bank University
250 Southwark Bridge Road
London  SE1 6NJ

Tel: 020 7815 6695
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