


This email is directed to libraries that use the Talis LMS. 

The main purpose of this email is to find out which Talis libraries use
authority control in their catalogues.  

At the University of East London we currently do not use authority control
but are investigating the possibility of doing so. Initially, I am on a fact
finding mission as to how easy it is to use, how easy it is to set up and
maintain, to find out how it works on a practical basis and  find out from
users their opinions of it. 

I would be grateful if I could contact such people so I can talk to them and
find out more.


Nathan Newey,
Electronic Resources and Metadata Manager

Learning Support Services
University of East London
Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AS

Tel: 020 8223 2611/2604
Fax: 020 8223 2804
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