

Hello All,
Is anyone else out there concerned that they are losing too many expensive DVD's through non return?  I'd be curious to what steps people have used to remedy this.
Our ideas thus far include:
1.  Increasing fines for DVD's.  But feel that there is still no guarantee that this would encourage the students to return them
2. Getting tutors to sign permission slips to allow individuals to borrow.  But recognise that tutors can be difficult to get hold of and might not appreciate the extra admin.
3.  Getting students to pay a deposit when they borrow a DVD that is totally refundable on its safe return.  This is quite an attractive idea but may fall down because students do not always have / carry a great deal of money with them.  But if we went with this idea, what would be the optimum figure?
Does any one out there have any good ideas?   I'd be happy to collate and post details of responses if others would find this useful.
Kind Regards,
Suzanne Higham,
Assistant Librarian,
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College,
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