

Aerospace and Defence Librarians Group

 “Managing e-collections in the specialist sector”

23RD September 2005at CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE

This seminar will present the views of both librarians and suppliers. The first session will look at the issues raised by e-resources, and the questions librarians need to address when planning their e-collection policies. We will have two suppliers showing us their solutions to managing e-resources, and we have two sessions by librarians showing how to make the best of the free resources out there.

The seminar is aimed at anyone managing e-resources, with an emphasis on the smaller library and all examples drawn from the aerospace and defence sector.

1000	Welcome: ADLG Chair 

1015	Wendy Buckle, Cranfield University (DCMT)
	Considerations for e-collection management

1100	Coffee

1115	Jon Green
	Jane’s Information Group

1200	AERADE 
	Lynne Seddon, Cranfield University (DCMT) (plus a second speaker t.b.c.)
	An overview of the current AERADE portal and a discussion on its future 

1245	Lunch

1345	Paula Younger, NHS, formerly of Dstl (to be confirmed).
	Access to free e-resources; covering journals, books, and reports

1430	Lesley Thomas
	SWETS Subscription Agent: Title Bank

1515	Tea and closing remarks

The cost will be £60 plus VAT (£70.50) for ADLG members and £80 plus VAT (£94) for non-members. This includes lunch and refreshments.
To book your place please detach the booking form and post it to:
Wendy Buckle, Assistant Director Information Services, Cranfield University (DCMT), Shrivenham, Swindon, SN6 8LA.
Further details will be sent on receipt of the booking form.


Managing E-Collections in the Specialist Sector

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Bookings should be made by 12th September. Cancellations made after that date will incur the full fee.





