
I was getting rid of some `hostname` calls (adding a -f option) inside some RGMA scripts when I realised that there were duplicated files on a MON BOX, and the use ot these files is incoherent I think :

>$ locate edg-rgma-service-status

All rcX.d files are links to the /etc/rc.d/init.d file.
BUT the /etc/init.d and the /opt/edg/etc/init.d files are 2 separate plain files.

Problem is that the /opt/edg file is called by the CRON jobs, and that the /etc/init.d file is called on init (or by the "service blah start|stop|blah" command

I could not find where did the /etc/init.d file come from ?? :
> rpm -qf /opt/edg/etc/init.d/edg-rgma-service-status
> rpm -qf /etc/init.d/edg-rgma-service-status                                                                                                                              
file /etc/init.d/edg-rgma-service-status is not owned by any package

and a grep -r on /opt searching for edg-rgma-service-status seems to show that the file was not created by a script like a yaim script.

Does anyone know what creates (copies) this /etc/init.d file (I think this should be a symlink, and not a plain file) ?

Frederic Schaer