


Marco reported an error during an installation job in our RC shown below.

 Event: Done
- exit_code               =    1
- host                    =
- level                   =    SYSTEM
- priority                =    asynchronous
- reason                  =    Cannot read JobWrapper output, both from 
Condor and from Maradona.       <---------------------------------------
- seqcode                 = 
- source                  =    LogMonitor
- src_instance            =    unique
- status_code             =    FAILED      <---------------------------
- timestamp               =    Tue Feb 22 17:54:31 2005
- user                    =    /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal 
Certificate/L=Padova/CN=Marco [log in to unmask]

It seems that ssh problem makes this maradona problem.
There is ssh problem from WN to CE.  
Pool accounts are locked.
When we submitted job on,  we got the following error.

Mar  3 05:03:00 cluster50 sshd[28094]: User cms001 not allowed because  
account is locked
Mar  3 05:03:00 cluster50 xinetd[3537]: START: shell pid=28096  

Mar  3 10:48:46 cluster50 gridinfo: [1058-1058] summary:
Mar  3 10:48:46 cluster50 gridinfo: [1058-1058] Sorry, no accounting  
information is collected from this type of batch system at the moment
Mar  3 10:48:46 cluster50 gridinfo: [1058-1058] -- end of summary

We unlocked cms001 account, and It was fixed. But we need to unlock every  
pool account.
Pool account is generated automatically by yaim. 
We don't know why they are  locked.

Job running failed finally. 
It seems to repeat infinitely and when  proxy is expired, it was abort.

Can anybody give me some hint for this problem?

Cheers, Sangryul Ro