


Henry Nebrensky said:

> Could we not just go _with_ "EnterpriseLinuxCompatible"?

If it's a question of heatsinks, we could probably substitute the sorted
output of 'rpm -a' as the "Name" ... but I am thinking about my fingers
and inability to type more than about eight characters in a row without
having to correct one, especially if I am trying to type fast.  24
characters is WAAAAAAY over the top.

> [though I don't think it's as bad as "SL" - is that Scientific? or SuSE?]

I still think SL should be SLackware.

> If it doesn't run on RHEL and x, then x is NOT "EnterpriseLinuxCompatible"
> by definition and so should be a different OS name anyway, so we're not
> that screwed. Except you do need an RHEL installation somewhere as a

I meant we are screwed in terms of being able to run on the grid in a
reasonable fashion ... can you imagine installing four separate binaries
for the SAME VERSION of your software, just do deal with the possible
incompatibilities that will be invisible until you hit the worker node?

> Since it shouldn't be possible to hit a WN directly from outside, the
> information system then wouldn't be revealing anything a malicious user
> wouldn't get from 'uname -a'. The service nodes themselves could be
> running something else completely...

I don't think it's that simple, but still the question is "why do you want
to know?  WHAT do you want to know?"  It should just be a basic computer
with a basic unix distribution on it + the grid client stuff.  What else
are you expecting?