

Maarten Litmaath, CERN wrote:

>>Second problem, the new CE we have installed runs under SL3 and LCG2.3
>>It works pretty well with our RB (job submission, execution, output)
>>but, when I try to submit a job using a foreign RB, the jobmanager is
>>not started.
>>The globus-gatekeeper logs are quite similar in both cases ...
>>Could you help ?
>What are the hostnames of the RB and CEs?
I tried with several RBs :
* cclcgrbli01 (a test-RB@ccin2p3 under SL3) => works well
* => Problem
* => Problem

The logs /var/log/globus-gatekeeper.log look like that when the problem
occurs :

Notice: 0: Child 32745 started
JMA 2005/01/18 17:16:42 GATEKEEPER_JM_ID
2005-01-18.17:16:36.0000026282.0000000059 JM exiting

The logs /var/log/globus-gatekeeper.log look like this when it's OK :

Notice: 0: Child 21334 started [21461 2005/01/13-10:40:06] bqs submit starting...
->job submitted

I'm going to investigate the ports opening and the firewall rules on the CE.